Vocal training
So I have a concert to sing at. It is a concert hosted by the school at which I take my vocal lessons. It will showcase primarily the talents of the students, though occasionally a teacher or two will come up to stage to assist, or even to lead or perform solo. I will be singing only one song, while some of the other vocal students will be singing two or more songs. I am most excited to listen to one of the student`s rendition of One Ok Rock`s `Wherever You Are,` my favorite song from that band. Have you heard One Ok Rock?Apparently they are very popular. If you should take a listen, then know that Taka, the group`s singer, has pretty good pronunciation of English. I wonder where he learned his English. I wonder if my own Japanese is not so bad, at least in terms of pronunciation. In order to prepare for my performance I practice over an hour everyday with my guitar and piano, the former just for fun and the latter to develop my pitch accuracy. Pictured are my two tools of the trade, the guitar having been bought at Opus in Kozai and the piano having been bought (regrettably) at Hard Off (I think in Kozai also). On the guitar I like to sing Bob Dylan`s `Hey Mr. Tambourine` and on the piano I just go over the sheet music supplied for the song that I will be performing, The Police`s `Every Breath You Take.` Oh, i should mention that I also enjoy practicing over Hata Motohiro`s theme song to the movie version of Doraemon. For it I just search on Youtube for the lyrics-karaoke version, and there I am off with some Japanese lyrics in romaaji! Perhaps someday I can sing as well as Taka, and likewise with just as good Japanese pronunciation!

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