Experimenting in photoshop
I've talked about (and showed off) my interest in photography here before. Today will be a little different. I spent some time the other day learning a new (to me) technique in photoshop called compositing.

Compositing is a technique that joins two photographs together, hopefully in a seamless way. I was concentrating on replacing the skies in some of my images with star fields to give them a beautiful, otherworldly look. The one above is one example. The original looked like this.

I think it looks really cool! I also put together this one - it was a bit difficult because of the clouds.

And again, here's the original. (I don't know why, but Ashita sanuki keeps rotating it. Sorry. :( )

Compositing is a technique that joins two photographs together, hopefully in a seamless way. I was concentrating on replacing the skies in some of my images with star fields to give them a beautiful, otherworldly look. The one above is one example. The original looked like this.

I think it looks really cool! I also put together this one - it was a bit difficult because of the clouds.

And again, here's the original. (I don't know why, but Ashita sanuki keeps rotating it. Sorry. :( )

Posted by teachers at 07:30│Comments(0)