
Last week, many of the Gem School teachers went to Marugame Castle for a picnic! I was a little dissapointed that the sakura wasn't in bloom yet, I've been waiting for so long! But we found a nice spot and had a really fun time!
The Castle was really high up, I could hardly believe that it was possible to climb up that far! I'm pretty out of shape, so walking up with a heavy bag of snacks was hard to do!
Our picnic was chock full of snacks! People brought more than one thing so we had a snack potluck!

In Michigan, we would usually bring hotdogs, sandwhiches, chips and fruit to a picnic. When I was little, my friend and I would go to a nearby lake for a picnic. When I got older, I starting bringing a picnic lunch to our favorite waterpark so my friends wouldn't have to buy food. During the 4th of July, people always set out a picnic blanket to watch the fireworks too.
Usually picnics are ruined by bugs! I get annoyed by flies and ants pretty easily and I'm terrified of bees, so picnics in Michigan don't always last very long.
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