
Weekend in Niihama

This past weekend I went to Niihama on an invite by some new friends I made in Matsuyama. Essentially, it was a party at a restaurant called Toritori (鳥鶏、I think). It was a pretty nice place. I met, and made friends with, quite a few people there. We all had a fun time talking, eating and drinking. I was a bit overwhelmed by the amount of Japanese being spoken, but it was good for me, as I don't really get exposed to non-stop Japanese very often. I ended up spending the night at the home of the the owner of the restaurant, along with a few of my friends. The owner and his family were very nice and welcoming. We had a good time staying up late and just talking.

The next day was spent mostly lounging around, but by late afternoon we made a trip to the mountains in Niihama. The actual name escapes me, but it also has come to be known as Machu Pichu (マチュピチュ).

Weekend in Niihama

We didn't climb very much, as it was getting dark, but we were there long enough for a few nice pictures. Afterwards we headed to an onsen that was nearby. It was nice and refreshing, and I felt so good afterwards.
We were all hungry after the climb, so we headed to a restuarant called Toricco (とりっこ?)for dinner. The food was really good. We probably would have stayed late, but I had to catch the train, or else would have had to wait til the next morning to return home.

I really have a lot of fun and memorable times out west. I can't wait for the next adventure!

Weekend in Niihama


Weekend in Niihama