
Playing the Classics

I really like video games. I grew up playing so many different consoles and many video games are dear to me. Recently, I was able to play playstation on my tablet using a wireless PS3 controller. It's been really cool. I've played some games that are classic for me. Probably my favorite game for playstation is a lesser-known game called Team Buddies. The picture below is of me playing Team Buddies on my tablet with my wireless PS3 controller. I connected my tablet to my TV. It was great.

Playing the Classics

On a Quest With My Wife
Animal Crossing
Pep Talk
Little Pieces of Comfort
Waiting For A New Game
Wildlife Encounter
 Kimetsu Ramen (2020-11-09 05:00)
 Cola Ramen (2020-05-25 05:00)
 Dragon Ramen (2020-04-20 05:00)
 On a Quest With My Wife (2020-03-03 17:00)
 Animal Crossing (2020-02-29 13:00)
 Pep Talk (2020-02-25 17:00)


Playing the Classics