Tenjin Sasa Festival (天神笹まつり)
On Sunday my friend told me about a festival over at the Onohara Shrine. She was volunteering for it, and thought that I might enjoy going. Of course, I had to go check it out.

The shrine wasn't huge, but it wasn't all that small either. They were several stands in the area, selling different things like candy apples (りんごあめ), french fries (フライドポテト), yakitori, takoyaki, and I think even roasted chestnuts. They also served udon there, which was pretty good, as well as provided drinks such as coke, fanta, juice, and even beer! I only ate some udon, because I got was too full to try anything else after. It made me a little sad, because I definitely would like to have tried a candy apple.

The best part of the festival was over by the stage. Here they had several groups of people of varying ages put on small performances for the audience. Some of the groups included a junior high school chorus, an elementary school cheering squad, children and adults performing with taiko drums, and even performers of Shinto music and dance (神楽と舞姫). It was all really entertaining, and even though it rained a little bit, the show went on. I hope to be able to take part in more events like this!

The shrine wasn't huge, but it wasn't all that small either. They were several stands in the area, selling different things like candy apples (りんごあめ), french fries (フライドポテト), yakitori, takoyaki, and I think even roasted chestnuts. They also served udon there, which was pretty good, as well as provided drinks such as coke, fanta, juice, and even beer! I only ate some udon, because I got was too full to try anything else after. It made me a little sad, because I definitely would like to have tried a candy apple.

The best part of the festival was over by the stage. Here they had several groups of people of varying ages put on small performances for the audience. Some of the groups included a junior high school chorus, an elementary school cheering squad, children and adults performing with taiko drums, and even performers of Shinto music and dance (神楽と舞姫). It was all really entertaining, and even though it rained a little bit, the show went on. I hope to be able to take part in more events like this!

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