Summer Fun Part 2
So I usually write about fun things on the blog but today is a warning about being careful this summer. The summer should be a fun time for everyone but it can also be very dangerous. In English we call one problem dehydration, where your body loses to much water. Most of the time you don't know it until it is too late. My solution to this problem is to always have a drink close by orange juice, water, or pocari sweat. Make sure you keep your body hydrated this summer.
Secondly be careful when you are swimming. Saijo has had two students drown in the river in the last 2 weeks. They weren't children either. The were high school students at the age of 16 and 17. Please be careful when you are swimming. Listen and more importantly look for signals that someone might be in trouble. Movies and TV have given a false sense of what is to be drowning. 90% of drownings occur silently no one screaming for help or splashing around. Look around you and you might save someone's life.
Remember to have a HAPPY and SAFE time this summer.

Secondly be careful when you are swimming. Saijo has had two students drown in the river in the last 2 weeks. They weren't children either. The were high school students at the age of 16 and 17. Please be careful when you are swimming. Listen and more importantly look for signals that someone might be in trouble. Movies and TV have given a false sense of what is to be drowning. 90% of drownings occur silently no one screaming for help or splashing around. Look around you and you might save someone's life.
Remember to have a HAPPY and SAFE time this summer.

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