I've heard over the years people say the only way to learn a language is to live in a place it's spoken in. However, I know lots of people who've lived most of their lives in a place and never really learned the language. On the other hand I've had students, including here in Kanonji, who'd never been abroad, and who would have little problem in expressing themselves correctly in English if they did go abroad. The obvious difference is motivation, the desire to communicate and interact with people, without fear, or panic. My grandfather came to the States as a teenager from Poland in 1905. way before the First World War. He later went back to Poland to fight for Polish independence, and when that happened he wanted to stay there, but he already had a family in the States, who wanted nothing of it. So he returned to the States and spent the rest of his life there. But he only spoke Polish at home, beautiful, cultivated Polish, and never really bothered to master English, just enough for his needs. It's wanting to learn that makes all the difference.
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