On the third anniversary of the disasters in Tohoku , I can't help but remind everyone not to forget the people there. There are still countless people evacuated, with no prospect of returning, or worse still being forced into the position of returning to homes that are not safe. The informed opinion is unanimous that the situation is in no way under control, nor that it will be any time soon. We too had an earthquake here recently. Those are things that can't be controlled, but allowing ourselves, all of us, not just the Japanese, to be put at risk so people can get a return on their investments, is not humane to say the least. There may be little we can do one by one, but we can stay aware of what's going on, and not pretend everything is o.k. Don't look away. The future generations depend on us facing the reality, the seriousness of the danger. Only wide spread informed opinion can create an atmosphere in which something may be done to at least minimize the risks, not increase them. Don't look away.
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