I just got news from India that my adopted family there have had most of their crops destroyed by severe rain, and even hail. No one thinks of snow or hail in India, at least not in Central India, so that is very disturbing. So many people depend on the crops from this relatively small piece of land, and to have most of it get destroyed is sad. So many things we take for granted are not realities for the vast majority of the world. Help in emergencies, health insurance, pensions, right to schooling, so much of this is just a dream in poorer parts of the world. We should be thankful that certain things have been accomplished to make our lives easier, but also be aware that history changes the fate of people. Once great empires are now just memories and a mass of rubble. I wonder what we will leave behind. I hope it won't only be McDonald's. Let's try to leave the kids who come after us with more of a legacy than just that.
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