
This weekend was the Superbowl. This is the final game of the NFL season, for the Vince Lombardi trophy; awarded to the best team. This year, my favourite team, the Seattle Seahawks played in it against the Denver Broncos. Even though the NFL is a bigger event in the United States, everyone in Canada usually makes an effort to watch the Superbowl. There are lots of interesting things to see: the halftime show, the game, and the commercials. Yes the commercials. The ads cost around 1 million dollars, or 100 million yen per 30 seconds, so advertisers try to make very memorable advertisements. I think that is part of what makes the Superbowl so appealing to such a broad demographic. There is something for everyone to see. The Seahawks dominated the Broncos to win the game. Way to go Seahawks!
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