Smart kids so often ask "why?" about the strangest things. "Why indeed? That's just the way it is", is often an adult's brusque response. There's the embarrassment of not being able to answer. We think "I'm older I should be able to answer, but to tell the truth I don't know." Maybe that's the point. - "I don't know" is a perfectly good answer. It also tells the child that adults don't know everything. The question is fine. The answer may require more time, more education, more investigation, and there may well not be "an" answer, but several different good ones, or none at all. Take your pick. Let's not discourage them from asking. On the contrary, the curiosity to try and find out why is the soul of innovation, and a stimulus to thinking. I'd much prefer a child who asked "why" too often, than one who hardly ever did, or worse never did. That would be very sad indeed.
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