Winter is coming.

Winter is quickly coming to Japan. This will be my first winter in another country. I would be lying if I said that I wasn’t going to miss Canada. Winters back home are long, cold and dark. By all means it sounds terrible, but there is something about Canadian winters that I find absolutely charming. One of the things I love to do is skate on outdoor rinks. In Canada it gets cold enough that you can flood areas in the city with water and it freezes to create outdoor skating rinks. Yes it’s cold, and yes you are probably a little crazy to attempt outdoor activities when it’s 25 degrees below zero, but I love it. I happen to also live in the capital of Canada: Ottawa. Ottawa also has the longest skating rink in the world: the Rideau Canal. It’s 8 kilometers long and starts right downtown in the heart of Ottawa. You can skate the whole thing in about an hour depending on how polished your skating is. Along the way there are lots of goodies like hot chocolate, hot apple cider and best of all Beavertails. Ottawa isn’t known for much but the Rideau Canal is definitely one of the must see attractions in the winter, and if you get the chance it is something you must do!
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