Home Cooking
Having lived in Italy for a couple of decades, and at a time when the traditional meal schedule was still intact, I've always loved the ritual of buying, preparing, and cooking together my own food. At the time, no one used canned or frozen foods, the abundance of good wholesome fresh food was so accessible, no one would have even thought of it. There was always an open air market just around the corner, with fresh produce, meat and fish and even if you were in a hurry, throwing together a salad, a plate of pasta, with some meat or fish, well it didn't really take that long. You got used to it. It was the way things were. Even now, I'll occasionally be in a hurry, and will dash down to the convenience store or supermarket for something quick, but I've noticed, what you do yourself just tastes better, and you feel better after eating it. Since then I've been to India and Southeast Asia so many times, and there too the joy of cooking simple but wholesome food is part of life still. I think of Bangkok and eating just wonderful sea food or soup from street vendors. Not everywhere of course, but after a day or two you knew who had the good stuff. It's very civilized, and is one of the joys of life, don't you agree?
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