
What are the Joys in Your Life?

What are the Joys in Your Life? Many people put value in different things; gambling, shopping, jewelry, cars, etc. But what is most valuable to a person? What are the joys in one's life? The answer lies in the values of the hearts and minds of the individual. So, what does joy actually mean? Joy is defined as the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/joy). So, in order to fully understand and answer the question "What are the joys in your life?", you must first understand the people and things you place value in above all. The children in the photograph above are my baby class students in Sakaide. These students are the pride and joy of the mothers pictured. By coming to baby class and interacting with the babies, the mothers have shown that their joys in life are their families. Family is an important joy to have. If you value your family, your happiness and joy will overflow. So, take a minute and think about the questions posed..... "What do you value most in life?" and "What are the joys in your life?".

Again, thank you for reading!

Leigh ハート

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What are the Joys in Your Life?