Kanonji Festival IN 3D!!!
I went to the Kanonji Festival this weekend. It was lots of fun. Several chosa passed right by my house. I took some good video and lots of pictures.

One thing I sometimes do is take stereoscopic 3D pictures.
1. Download the full-size picture to your computer.
2. Open the picture and make it as big as possible on your screen without going off the edges.
3. Stand back from the computer with your head facing directly to the center of the screen.
4. Cross your eyes slightly.
5. You will see a blurry picture where the two images overlap. Focus on that center image.
6. You can see a 3D image!

One thing I sometimes do is take stereoscopic 3D pictures.
1. Download the full-size picture to your computer.
2. Open the picture and make it as big as possible on your screen without going off the edges.
3. Stand back from the computer with your head facing directly to the center of the screen.
4. Cross your eyes slightly.
5. You will see a blurry picture where the two images overlap. Focus on that center image.
6. You can see a 3D image!

Posted by teachers at 21:06│Comments(0)