
The Beard

I hate shaving. But I hate having a beard more than I hate shaving, so I shave every day. Sometimes I shave twice a day if I want to look sharp after 3:00pm.

So it's very strange for me to have a beard. I'm only doing it for my Hallowe'en costume. After the GEM Halloween Party, I'm going to shave it off.
The Beard

The beard has gone in and out of style throughout history. Beards were very popular in ancient Mesopotamia and Greece, but went out of style in Europe between the time of Alexander the Great and the Roman Empire, was back in style during the Medieval period, and has been declining in popularity for the past 300 years. These days, most Americans see young people with beards as probably either lazy or crazy, or both. Older people can get away with having a beard, but if you're applying for any job other than college professor, it will probably work against you.


The Beard