
Kato Demonstration

I love the traditional music of Japan. One of my students plays the kato and she offered to bring her instrument to class to give us a demonstration. I was thrilled! My daughters came to the demonstration. It was clear as my student set up her kato that learning to play this instrument is quite an undertaking. It took her many years to learn to tune, play and care for her kato.

She told us the story of how she got her kato. Her father spent his entire bonus one year to pay for it. That was when she was 20, she is now 70 years old and her kato is her most precious treasure. I love that story. I loved the music she made with her beautiful kato, so did my daughter, Mia. As we left the room after the demonstration Mia said, “I want to play that when I get a little bigger, okay Mom?” It was a great class!
Kato Demonstration


Kato Demonstration