Town above the clouds Yusuhara in Kochi Prefecture
Hello Everyone It's Bear Sensei! With another blog just for you! 
Today I will take you above the clouds where we found ourselves in a small but beautiful town called Yusuhara. The town is located in Kochi prefecture and it is up in the mountains where the clouds settle. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this town it looked so pure and shiny just like a diamond. You might be thinking what was the purpose of us visiting this town so high up the mountains? The answer is quite simple I love Japanese heroes and legends and up those mountains, we found a statue of Yoshimura Torataro "One of Tosa's Four Greats". If you ever need to see a place and you are craving for an adventure I highly recommend the town above the clouds named "Yusuhara" it will take your breath away. See you all next time!

Today I will take you above the clouds where we found ourselves in a small but beautiful town called Yusuhara. The town is located in Kochi prefecture and it is up in the mountains where the clouds settle. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this town it looked so pure and shiny just like a diamond. You might be thinking what was the purpose of us visiting this town so high up the mountains? The answer is quite simple I love Japanese heroes and legends and up those mountains, we found a statue of Yoshimura Torataro "One of Tosa's Four Greats". If you ever need to see a place and you are craving for an adventure I highly recommend the town above the clouds named "Yusuhara" it will take your breath away. See you all next time!

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