Another TV Show
This week's show, Dragon Tales, is a little different. It's not really popular or important to American culture. It's a cute kids' TV show that my younger sister used to like to watch when she was a kid. The main characters are children who are able to visit a magical land. They make friends with talking dragons. Every episode, they help one of the characters solve a problem they're having.

I think this is a good TV show to know about. Many children's TV shows have characters who talk very quickly, so they can be difficult to understand. But I think the characters in this TV show talk more slowly. So this might be a fun TV show to watch to practice listening to English.

I think this is a good TV show to know about. Many children's TV shows have characters who talk very quickly, so they can be difficult to understand. But I think the characters in this TV show talk more slowly. So this might be a fun TV show to watch to practice listening to English.
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