
Valentine's Day Cards

Did you have a happy Valentine's Day? In America, people give each other special cards for Valentine's Day. The cards are called Valentines. People give romantic Valentines to people they love. Children in elementary school give out Valentines to their whole class, but the cards are just usually little pieces of paper with something nice written on them. You buy the cards from a store. Cards with cartoon characters are very popular! People often also tape a piece of candy to the card.

Cartoon Valentines

These are the kinds of cartoon cards they had when I was a kid. Do you recognize any of the characters?

Many Different Versions
Traditional Childhood Board Games
Another Winter Movie
A Movie for the New Year
A Classic Christmas Cartoon
A Classic Christmas Movie
 Many Different Versions (2025-03-13 17:00)
 Traditional Childhood Board Games (2025-03-06 17:00)
 Another Winter Movie (2025-01-02 17:00)
 A Movie for the New Year (2024-12-26 17:00)
 A Classic Christmas Cartoon (2024-12-19 17:00)
 A Classic Christmas Movie (2024-12-12 17:00)


Valentine's Day Cards