
Making Gingerbread Cookies

In December, while we are waiting for Christmas, we like to make gingerbread cookies!

First you have to make the dough and cut out the cookies. If you use cookie cutters, you can make all kinds of fun shapes. We have cookie cutters in the shapes of candy canes, stars, Christmas trees, stockings, Santa's head, snowflakes, bells, and more. Or you can use a knife to cut whatever shape you want out of the dough.

cutting out cookies

After you bake the cookies, it's time to decorate them! We use different colors of icing, sprinkles, candy, and food markers to make our cookies look pretty and fun.

decorating cookies

Here's a picture of some cookies we decorated last year! They look a little messy, but we enjoyed making them. And they were very tasty!

finished cookies

What kinds of gingerbread cookies do you want to make?

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 Traditional Childhood Board Games (2025-03-06 17:00)
 Another Winter Movie (2025-01-02 17:00)
 A Movie for the New Year (2024-12-26 17:00)
 A Classic Christmas Cartoon (2024-12-19 17:00)
 A Classic Christmas Movie (2024-12-12 17:00)


Making Gingerbread Cookies