
Donkey Bread

I had a strange feeling when I was returning home from teaching Baby Club on Wednesday to get some quick shut-eye, when I heard this saccharine sweet and enticing voice singing something in Japanese. I could tell that it was a recording, but it almost sounded like a child's voice. I had heard it the week prior but was already taking my nap when it began, so I wasn't able to get a glimpse of where it was coming from. This time, however, I heard the voice getting closer and closer and then finally I saw that it was coming from a small truck that seemed to be selling bread. On the side of the truck, was printed ロバのパン or "Donkey Bread". I don't exactly know why it is called that but I did take a look at their website and it seems that they use natural ingredients and have a "secret formula" for their flour. They have both regular stores and their mobile service. I'm pretty sure that this truck must have come from either Tokushima or Kochi, since these are the only places where they have physical stores. In any case, I hope that next Wednesday I can catch the ロバのパン truck at the right time and get my hands on some donkey bread.

Donkey Bread


Donkey Bread