
We're Going to Italy!

Were Going to Italy!

I lived in Italy from 1999-2001. When I got married in 2010, I promised my wife I would take her there on vacation someday. Most other Americans take a big vacation every year, but we've been staying home and saving our money for one really big vacation. Our plan was to go in 2020 for our tenth anniversary, but...
Were Going to Italy!
Buon giorno.

We have continued watching how things develop around the world, and we're choosing to be moderately optimistic. After a lot of thought and delay, we just booked our vacation for May 2022. We'll fly to Barcelona and take a cruise ship to Tunis, Palermo, Rome, Genoa, and Marseille.

The one complication is our kids. My kids are good travelers - every time we go on a long road trip, I tell them that this is practice for when we'll take a plane to Italy. But my wife and I are interested in seeing castles, cathedrals, ruins, and art museums, and my kids are...not very interested in that sort of thing. They're mostly excited that there will be a swimming pool on the cruise ship. I want them to experience the cultural treasures of Europe, but I also don't want them to be bored. This is very likely a once-in-a-lifetime trip for us, and we want them to have good memories.

Our next big international vacation will be to Japan. We're hoping for 2025, but we'll see what happens.

Thanks for reading!

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Artificial Intelligence Art
The Story of Ea-Nasir
Road Trip 2: Chicago
 Byblos (2021-11-19 19:00)
 Eye Black (2021-11-12 19:00)
 Airship Pirates (2021-11-05 19:00)
 Artificial Intelligence Art (2021-10-29 19:00)
 Potatoes (2021-10-22 19:00)
 The Story of Ea-Nasir (2021-10-15 19:00)


We're Going to Italy!