
Sangawa Toyooka Seaside Beach

Sangawa Toyooka Seaside Beach

I recently had a beach barbecue with some friends in Shikoku-chuo and we had a great time. It was a beach barbecue, so of course there was lots of yummy food to eat. We also played beach volleyball, soccer, football, and had a little fun with a flying disc. Some of my friends even tried to fly kites, but it didn't work out too well because there was very little wind.

Needless to say, it was a very active day and it ended with a beautiful sunset. Unfortunately even though we were at the beach, I couldn't go swimming because I hadn't bought swimming trunks yet. Now that I have, I'll definitely be ready to partake in all of the water sports as well when the opportunity arises again.

Wish Lists
Gummy Candy Buffet
Crazy for Chocolate
Toaster Repair
Real-Life Polar Express
 Wish Lists (2022-01-20 09:00)
 Gummy Candy Buffet (2022-01-13 09:00)
 Racquetball (2022-01-06 09:00)
 Crazy for Chocolate (2021-12-30 09:00)
 Toaster Repair (2021-12-23 09:00)
 Real-Life Polar Express (2021-12-16 09:00)


Sangawa Toyooka Seaside Beach