
Cherry Blossoms and Spring Arrived this Week!

Cherry Blossoms and Springs Have Arrived this Week

The Cherry Blossoms and Spring arrived this week at the same time! I took this picture of an orchard in Takamatsu City. The cherry trees along the main drive from the airport to the Sun Port are in bloom. Remembering from last year, they are the earliest to bloom and herald in the others to bloom! Therefore, this weekend should be a great weekend for my annual cherry blossom explore and adventure- and picnic! Hopefully the weather cooperates! To everyone- have a FUN and Happy Spring!!

Calm after the Storm
Snow in Takamatsu
Happy New Years 2021
Merry Christmas!!
It's Time to Make Christmas Cookies!
It's Time To Send Christmas Cards!!
 Calm after the Storm (2021-01-13 20:00)
 Snow in Takamatsu (2021-01-10 19:45)
 Happy New Years 2021 (2020-12-30 20:00)
 Merry Christmas!! (2020-12-23 20:00)
 It's Time to Make Christmas Cookies! (2020-12-16 20:00)
 It's Time To Send Christmas Cards!! (2020-12-09 20:00)


Cherry Blossoms and Spring Arrived this Week!