Takoyaki? What a pleasant surprise!

While walking home from Marunaka on Friday night I was called out to by a vendor on the road. "Hey do you want some Takoyaki?" I was about to decline the offer but the vendor spoke up before I could say anything, "It's good, it's hot, it's only ¥500!" Now I've had takoyaki before but I wasn't a big fan of it. For some reason I decided I would get some just to truly confirm that I didn't really enjoy it. We had a short conversation about Japan and America, but many people started to line up so I decided to leave and let him handle business.
I thought it was strange that I hadn't seen that vendor on the street before because I usually walk the same way every time I go to Marunaka, but I didn't let it bother me. Odds are I wouldn't like the takoyaki anyway so I decided not to worry about it. I got back to my apartment and opened the small boxed takoyaki. I ate all of it in a matter of minutes. Now I have a problem, because this specific takoyaki experience was good. Like...REALLY good. I hope that vendor is there again because I will definitely be going back!
Posted by teachers at 23:14│Comments(0)