
Fun Before Work

I don't like to go anywhere before work. I feel like I might get stuck and late. I also feel like I need my energy.

The other day, my friends invited me to do karaoke...in the morning. I thought I would sleep instead, but I got up and went. It was the most convenient time to see certain people, so it was a good idea. The prices in the morning are crazy cheap, unbelievably so. My one friend was very excited to eat ice cream from the Drink Bar for breakfast. I was just so happy to sing--I hadn't in 2 months!

I've been using Hyde's cover of Departures as a ringtone for awhile, but I still haven't memorized it. Happily, I didn't do too bad when I sang it.We had a new person with us, Michael's brother. It's always fun to see what songs new people like. He was a good singer, and it was a fun time!

Then we went and had sushi, which made the day even better! The sushi was so fresh and delicious---I was very surprised!

All this fun before it was time for work! I think I could do this again!

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A great sunday out
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 Dishes (2025-03-13 12:58)
 Starting my skincare journey (2025-03-06 13:00)
 New Phone (2025-02-27 13:00)
 Ordering food (2025-02-20 13:00)
 Matsuyama (2025-02-16 13:00)
 A great sunday out (2025-02-13 13:00)


Fun Before Work