Full Moons and Palindromes
Say hello to tacocat.

Taco cat is a palindrome. A palindrome is a word, phrase, or sequence (like a date) that reads the same backwards and forwards.
The USA and some other countries, write the date in a month-day-year format. Today is 9-12-19, or September 12th, 2019. This year in September, we will experience a week of palindrome days! 9-10-19 until 9-19-19
What does it mean? Well, nothing really. It's just interesting to note.
I have also learned that we will have a full moon for tomorrow. Tomorrow is Friday the 13th! This was once a day for bad luck, but now isn't taken that seriously. I find it to be a day to be a little extra spooky and watch the famous movie of the same title.

Taco cat is a palindrome. A palindrome is a word, phrase, or sequence (like a date) that reads the same backwards and forwards.
The USA and some other countries, write the date in a month-day-year format. Today is 9-12-19, or September 12th, 2019. This year in September, we will experience a week of palindrome days! 9-10-19 until 9-19-19
What does it mean? Well, nothing really. It's just interesting to note.
I have also learned that we will have a full moon for tomorrow. Tomorrow is Friday the 13th! This was once a day for bad luck, but now isn't taken that seriously. I find it to be a day to be a little extra spooky and watch the famous movie of the same title.
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