I Miss My Mom

Even though I talk to her practically everyday... I miss my mom terribly! Every time I see a new TV show she'd like, see a view she'd appreciate, eat something new that I know she'd love, etc, I wish she was here to experience it with me. My mother and I talk about anything and everything. She makes me laugh, gives me solid advice, and has the best recipes.
I treasure every message or gift she's given me. In fact I still have this tiny card she once bought for me. It is about the size of a business card with a drawing of three little butterflies on it. Across the card are the words: "To My Beautiful Daughter, I love you and I am so very proud of you!" I've had this keepsake for over 10 years now and I'll never throw it away! The card has to accompany me everywhere!
I'm counting down the days till she visits. I can't wait to show her around! I have met so many wonderful people here that I'd love for her to meet!
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