Finding Food in Fukuoka
As a vegetarian, I have had some frustrating experiences finding things to eat here in Japan. Fortunately, I like to cook so I have plenty to eat when I’m at home. Things are not so easy when I’m traveling, however. Oh, I can always find something but after living here for over 6 months I get a little tired of eating the same conbini foods. Even while visiting Tokyo, I often had to settle for some of the same restaurants I eat at normally rather than trying something new. But, on my recent Fukuoka trip I happily discovered several vegetarian options - and they were all very good! I even checked another item off my bucket list when I had a bento on the Shinkansen- a totally vegan bento by the way. I had heard the food was great in Fukuoka and it seems the rumors were true! Thanks Fukuoka for having lots of yummy things for me to eat!
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