Yosakoi and Kylo Ren?

I went to a festival last weekend. When I arrived, traditional melodies were playing and dancers in yukata moved in time to the music. Two men waved giant flags along with them. Too quickly, the dancers finished. And then Kylo Ren showed up playing an electric guitar and standing above a giant screen displaying Star Wars clips. The loudspeaker blared the Star Wars theme followed by an American rock song and another song I don’t remember. Oddly enough, most of the other spectators seemed seemed unsurprised by the scene. Unfortunately, I didn’t get pictures. The absurdity of the scene stunned me into a state of motionless shock and by the time I thought of my camera, the last song was ending. Then the fireworks started, everyone sat down to watch, and the festival ended just like that. I’m still not sure who decided rock songs played by Kylo Ren were the appropriate intermission between Yosakoi and fireworks, but apparently someone on the festival planning committee thought it was! Needless to say, it was an experience I will never forget!
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