
Reptile and Amphibian friends

Reptile and Amphibian friends

One night, I was coming home and saw this little guy near my bicycle parking! I had several kinds of lizards as pets. I had newts, anoles, salamanders, and even an iguana before, so I immediately said "aww!" and took a picture with my camera.

I felt a little bit bad for blinding him with the flashlight, but he didn't run away when I got close. I think it was a gecko, based on the shape of it's toes, but I'm not certain. I've heard of people putting lizards in their house and letting them run around and eat bugs, but I didn't try to hold him.

In my river, I have seen about 30 turtles! They make an adorable splashing sound when they run from me and slide into the river. I can't wait to see what other reptiles and amphibians live around me!

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 Starting my skincare journey (2025-03-06 13:00)
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 A great sunday out (2025-02-13 13:00)


Reptile and Amphibian friends