
Setsubun and Demon Masks

Hello readers!

Setsubun and Demon Masks
My name is Dominique and I am a new teacher at GEM school.
Last week one of my students came to class with a ogre mask on her head. I was surprised: normally, my students like to wear cute accessories, nothing like the fierce mask she was wearing! After class, I explained my surprise to her mother and her mother told me that she made the mask at school in celebration of Setsubun. After a quick Google search, I found out tha Setsubun is the Bean-Throwing Festival. In celebration of the new year, roasted soybeans are thrown outside the house while family members chant "In with Fortune! Out with Evil!" to prevent any evil ogres from entering. There is no holiday like Setsubun in the US. However, there is a similar custom: many families bang on pots and pans on New Years Day around the house in order to prevent any bad spirits or bad energy from entering during the upcoming year.

Happy belated Setsubun and a very lucky 2018!


Setsubun and Demon Masks