Decorating, kind of...

It isn't much, but after a lot of debating and procrastinating, I finally bought something for my apartment that is completely aesthetic in nature. I figured the wash closet was the place to start. After all there were only a couple of things to get...right? Well, I didn't really expect to see a nifty mini-shelf to accommodate your phone while you... take care of business. And I should get some kind of stand to hold the extra paper. This small area is turning into a big project.
The color selection was limited, but I like purple, so I went with that. Next was the toilet slippers. I considered a non-cloth option, but my obsessive need to have a matching set won out. What did I learn from this experience? Decorating is not cheap. Nothing off the shelf is ever going to fit me here. (The slippers are comically small on me.). And it probably isn't best to let someone like me decorate on my own.
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