Cooking as simply as it gets
I don’t always cook, but when I do, it’s as simple as can be. Pictured is a closeup of some chicken salad I made. I started making chicken salad for an event a few months ago. We teachers were asked to each bring something representative of Western culture. Naturally I had nothing to say (I don’t cook and I’m Filipino), but a fellow teacher gave me a recommendation: chicken salad. As straight forward as can be. My mom makes chicken salad back at home, so I had a taste of it. I never was too big a fan of it, though, since it’s heavy on mayo. But I figure if I’m going to make it, I can make it as healthy as can be. I searched online, found several recipes, and combined them all. That is as Arian as possible as I can could make any recipe. Just research and combine and innovate. I feared it couldn’t have been as good as any one of the recipes alone. But when others started tasting it at one of our events, I was suprised to learn that it had gathered a fan. For the next event, the same thing. This second time of making it, however, I didn’t look at the recipes and just went off memory. Instead of white onion, red onion. Instead of celery, cucumber. Instead of salt, olives. But I’ll tell you what the secret is: almonds. The second and third times, I have to say, are improvements. As simple as can be.
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