Pictured are another set of some of my favorite students. These two are like brothers and sisters in my eyes. They even look like the part, like they in fact share the same parents! More than looks, however, their personalities are close to one another. They are both really humorous and whimsical kids, while also retaining a level of respect to keep them on track. Their ears are always open and their eyes always forward. The boy is my favorite to ask questions to, as he always answers in a questioning tone. Ask him, "How are you doing today?" and he'll respond, "I'm happy???" Or ask him 2How many do you have?" and he'll be sure to respond questioningly, "I have three?????" The girl on the left is hands down one of the fastest learners that I've met. When I first started teaching her she would largely stay quiet, but now she's one of the most aggressive and accurate. She's just so smart and her vocabulary is large. In the waiting room I like to observe my kids interact with their parents, and this girl in particular is always laughing or joking with hers. I think that parents must talk talk talk and talk with their kids if they want their kids to lead confident, capable, and comfortable lives full of language and laughter.
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