
Japanese test

Only this past Sunday, the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) was held. I took part in the test. The test is divided into 5 levels, with N5 being the easiest, and N1 being the most difficult. As this was the first time I was taking the test, of course I went straight for N3.
Now, I don't study Japanese on a regular basis, but I have picked up quite a bit since coming here. That being said, I was very underprepared for this test. While there were many things I understand immediately, there was a lot more than I had no clue about. I was able to make a lot of lucky guesses based on the context of the sentences, but for the most part I was in the dark. I was very lucky that there only reading and listening sections; if I had to speak, it would be over for me immediately!
I won't get my results until the end of August, but I don't have high hopes for a passing mark. The way the points system works, I need to get a minimum of 19 points for each section, with the test having a total of three sections. Even an 18 in just one of the sections means a fail. Well, I guess we will see how I fair. It is a test of how much I know, and I still have a lot to learn.


Japanese test