
Cycling and Boats

Cycling and Boats

The last few nights I have gone cycling to Sunport have been really nice. I feel like my body is getting stronger every time I go cycling. I rather enjoy cycling, but my preference is night cycling because it's cooler. Day cycling is brutal. Anyway, the last two nights I have been at Sunport there has been a large Coast Guard ship and two smaller companion ships. I didn't even notice them when arriving there the first night. I noticed by chance when I was cycling down on the docks heading back home. I just happened to look over and didn't pay it any mind and did a double take. I got extremely excited to see military style vessels in the water. They were absolutely beautiful ships and I so wanted to get on board and just walk around, but my Japanese isn't what is should be. I went again last night with my sister and we took some nice photos of the ship. Up at the top is one such photo.

I hope you enjoy this beautiful Saturday!

Leigh ハート

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 On a Quest With My Wife (2020-03-03 17:00)
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 Pep Talk (2020-02-25 17:00)


Cycling and Boats