Do you have a pet?
Back in America I have a cat and a rabbit. I would really like to have a pet here in Japan but with my busy schedule I don't really have a lot of time. If I could have a pet I think I would have a bird like this:

They are called zebra finches. I think they make a very pretty sound. I would also like a fishtank like this:

I think that fishtanks are very beautiful and relaxing to look at.
What kind of pet would you like?
Thank you for reading,

They are called zebra finches. I think they make a very pretty sound. I would also like a fishtank like this:

I think that fishtanks are very beautiful and relaxing to look at.
What kind of pet would you like?
Thank you for reading,
Posted by teachers at 19:00│Comments(0)
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