
Sweets and Things


With Valentines Day just around the corner, people in America have already begun thinking of what they will get their significant other for the lovely holiday. The Valentine custom in America is different from Japan. In Japan, the woman get's something for the man which is, or should be, reciprocated on White day, one month later. In America, we do not hold a White Day event, instead, we do an exchange on Valentines Day. On V Day we typically give simple chocolates, but the gifts can become quite elaborate, such as 2 dozen roses, a stuffed toy, balloons, handmade sweets and goods, and other items. V Day isn't only about couples, it is also about self appreciation. If you are not in a relationship with someone, or even if you were, friends also exchange gifts on this day as tokens of their friendship and bond. These customs are some of my favorites among the American customs which are ever changing. What will you do this Valentines Day? Will you make something nice, or will you buy something? Do you have someone you wish to share a gift with? I hope you have an enjoyable day!

Thanks for reading!!!

Leigh ハート

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Sweets and Things