A Promise is an Oath
Long ago, before many of the countries we have today existed, there was serious power in peoples words. I don't mean magic or sorcery. I'm talking about the gravity people put on the words they spoke. If they made a compliment it was never even thought to be a lie. If they made a promise, something that was not done lightly, they made sure the promise was fulfilled. If they spoke ill of someone it was considered to incur a curse. Nowadays words are frivolous things we throw around. Lies, promises, compliments, insults, complaints. We throw them around like they mean nothing and hold no consequences. I believe in the power of words. Words can make you happy or sad, courageous or cowardly, good or evil. Whether the words are in a song, book, or spoken in tongue I believe they should be respected. Next time you are having a difficult day try to speak positively with happiness. I can guarantee that you will start to see things differently.

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