
Seasonal Food

Hello everyone, Benson here. How is everyone’s April going so far? One thing I always wonder about is what people like eating during April or springtime. Are there recipes or dishes that people enjoy more in spring weather or maybe it depends on what ingredients are in season.

I’m not an expert in cooking and especially not an expert in seasonal ingredients, so I’m interested in what everyone’s experiences are for cooking in the springtime. Are there specific vegetables that grow best or only grow during the springtime? Does it make a difference in terms of taste? Like, how do you describe the taste of an ingredient that’s available in season versus out of season? I’m assuming ingredients that are in season would be more readily available for purchase in supermarkets, but how is the price of each ingredient affected? I wonder if I’m missing any of the major factors to what people cook during the springtime and also why. I suppose some people will just cook whatever they like no matter what time of year it is and that’s also great! I’m interested to hear about all of your experiences! Take care this week everybody.

Seasonal Food

Migratory Birds
May Flowers
April Activities
 Migratory Birds (2024-05-15 17:00)
 May Flowers (2024-05-08 17:00)
 May (2024-05-01 17:00)
 Bees (2024-04-24 17:00)
 Birdwatching (2024-04-17 17:00)
 April Activities (2024-04-03 17:00)


Seasonal Food