Hello everyone, Benson here. How was everybody’s April? Spring is in full swing now that the month of May is upon us. What does the month of May mean for you? Is there any significance to the month of May itself? Or maybe there are events or celebrations that are held in May that you keep tabs on. Either way, let’s march onwards into May!
Back in April, I had asked if anybody participated in activities, particularly outdoor activities. While the weather will continue to heat up, I’m sure there are many more activities, both indoors and outdoors, that you can take part in. What do you associate with the month of May? What kinds of words would you use to describe May? Refreshing? Warm? Breezy? Maybe it’s not as simple as reducing an entire month to a few choice words, but what does May mean to you? Can you remember what May was like throughout different years in your life? Are there specific sights you look forward to seeing in May? What do you tend to think about in May? I also wonder about the meaning behind May, so let’s discover May together this year! See you next week and take care everyone.

Back in April, I had asked if anybody participated in activities, particularly outdoor activities. While the weather will continue to heat up, I’m sure there are many more activities, both indoors and outdoors, that you can take part in. What do you associate with the month of May? What kinds of words would you use to describe May? Refreshing? Warm? Breezy? Maybe it’s not as simple as reducing an entire month to a few choice words, but what does May mean to you? Can you remember what May was like throughout different years in your life? Are there specific sights you look forward to seeing in May? What do you tend to think about in May? I also wonder about the meaning behind May, so let’s discover May together this year! See you next week and take care everyone.

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