Jupiter takes field trip; Mars follows the bus
This week, provided the clouds clear up, we look forward to a great view of Jupiter passing close by the moon. The closest approach will be on July 11th- just over 2 degrees apart. That means if you drew two straight lines from Jupiter to the horizon to the edge of the moon, it would be a 2 degree angle. Even though it is so close to the moon, the moon will be at only 26% illumination (brightness) and Jupiter is still one the brightest objects in the sky. From Earth, it looks like a pale yellow star.
Ten days later, July 21, it will be Mars' turn to visit the moon.
On July 9th, Venus reached what's called greatest brightness- the most visible it's been all year.
Image and explanation from Fort Worth Astronomical Society: https://www.fortworthastro.com/beginner1.html

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