KFC Talk

I'm here to let you guys in on a big KFC secret: KFC is so much better in Thailand. Sorry to break it to you, I know it hurts to hear. But why would I claim something so outrageous? There are three reasons. Number one: Spicy Zabb Chicken. Nothing is more sad than knowing that this delicious spicy chicken is trapped in the country of Thailand instead of shared with the entire world- it is diabolically delicious. If you are a spicy lover, this is the way to go. If you like things that taste good and can't handle spice, get it anyway and just bring the tissues. Reason number two: they've got mashed potatoes with gravy. This is a staple at KFC's in America too, and I forgot just how good that pile of molten, savory potatoes are...so good you just can't wait for it to cool down. Reason number three: egg tarts. These pop up all around Asia, and the ones at KFC are just perfection. Crispy, flaky, eggy...wow. What do I have to do to convince USA KFC to adopt these delicacies??
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│Kayla 先生