Southern Cooking

Let's talk favorite foods, shall we. My favorite food region in the USA is the South. Southern food is absolutely delicious. From fried chicken, to waffles, chicken and dumplings, almost all southern cuisine is fantastic. Choosing one favorite out of this group is difficult, but if I had to choose one it would definitely be chicken and dumplings. As a child, and really even as an adult, if I were to visit my grandmothers house, she would always have a big pot of chicken and dumplings on the stove, ready, hot, and waiting for us. It was always the best! Some of my fondest memories from my life are of my family and I enjoying each others company and bonding over a good home-cooked southern meal. I wish I could have more memories like these nowadays. I'll just have to pass that treat on to my future nieces and nephews, which I am 100% ok with.
What is your favorite food? Why is it your favorite food?
As always, thanks for reading and have an amazing day!
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