
Shikoku Trip (part 1)

I went on a big trip in October and am already missing the open road. I drove a lot. Almost 1000km in about 8 days. I scuba dived and did a lot of things I didn't think I could ever do. I'm really grateful for the opportunity that not everyone has to travel and be safe.

The entire trip I kept track of the people I spoke with. In the whole trip I spoke with maybe 60 people, and the rest was alone. It was a good change of pace and my mind changed a lot.

some food pics just to get them out of the way.
Shikoku Trip (part 1)
fire roasted fish by the river. (Kazurabashi かずら橋)
Shikoku Trip (part 1)
Local Tokushima specalties (iya valley 祖谷渓)
Shikoku Trip (part 1)
And of course a lot of great Kochi fish

同じカテゴリー(Joe先生 )の記事画像
Patriotic cheese
Big bike ride
Staying alive
Saving a rose bush
A new breed of dog
Eggs from a machine, anytime you like!
同じカテゴリー(Joe先生 )の記事
 Patriotic cheese (2022-08-29 08:00)
 Big bike ride (2022-08-22 08:00)
 Staying alive (2022-08-15 08:00)
 Saving a rose bush (2022-08-08 08:00)
 Goodbye for now (August 31st) (2022-08-01 08:00)
 A new breed of dog (2022-07-25 08:00)


Shikoku Trip (part 1)