
More discussion about Dungeons and Dragons

As you can probably tell from my last post, there is a common theme emerging from them: Dungeons and Dragons.

I've decided to center my blog posts around this amazing game, because to be honest, it is something that I can easily write about given my level of obsession and interest in it. And I truly mean that when I say that I'm obsessed with it; I actively consume hours of actual play podcasts, interviews with creators, and video series per week. When I'm not actively listening to a D&D podcast, I'm usually thinking about my next campaign idea or going over the outline of what I want to happen in a future session.

So, let's get back to and discuss the central point of this particular blog post, and that is to briefly outline some of my ideas for the upcoming campaign I mentioned in my previous post. It's always good to start off your campaign with what's called a Session Zero, where you layout your expectations for where things will go and also get player feedback (like if they want more role-playing and less combat), help your players create characters, and you can even run a small instructive scene that involves roleplaying and combat to help the truly new players begin to understand the game.

For my Session Zero, I am thinking of running a few parts from the beginning of prepared module called Lost Mines of Phandelver. The opening of this module is very effective for helping new players (as I've found from experience), because it involves a variety of different types of situations you may find yourselves in as players and things are not very complex.

So, for my next blog post, I'll discuss more in depth about my Session Zero

The picture below is one that I took on the way to work one day, and the natural beauty combined with the human built environment caught my attention

Walk to work


More discussion about Dungeons and Dragons