New Dance Goal
When I look at the mountains, I am immediately reminded that I am so lucky. I live in a gorgeous prefecture in a really fun country.
On Sunday, yosakoi practice was early in the morning, near a beach in Kanonji. We practiced for 3 hours but it was raining and blissfully cool. It was actually easier than when we danced in the gym. I was a lot less sweaty! Our choreographer was there again, she's a sweet, crazy lady. She spent a lot of time telling us to change the look in our eyes to a certain kind of focus. I told myself that I'll concentrate on such a thing AFTER I get the moves of our dance down, from start to finish.
I can do some of it really well, but then other parts, I'm lost in confusion. I noticed that some of the kids on our team seem to have the whole thing memorized and don't appear to be worried about giving the 100% that my instructors and choreographers have been teaching us. I realized that it will look better if I know my timing and when to use which body part, instead of looking as good as my instructors.
So, for the next few weeks, I am going to be watching and memorizing as much as I can, everyday. I have DVDs that our instructors made, and a few videos I took on my camera that I carry around. My goal is to remember first, dance well second.
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